
Grup interdisciplinari en alimentació, nutrició, societat i salut

Main investigator:
Health sciences
Area of specialization:
City and Community, Digital health
Affiliation center:
Collaborates with:
e-Health Center
3 - Health and well-being
4 - Quality education
5 - Gender equality
12 - Responsible production and consumption
  • Sustainable models, sustainability
  • Eating patterns and behaviours
  • Nutrition, food and culture
  • Health promotion
  • Public health
  • Health and society

The Interdisciplinary research group on Food, nutrition, society and health (FoodLab) focuses its interdisciplinary research on the evolution of dietary patterns and their relationship with society and health, thus linking with nutrition, disease prevention and food culture.

The aspects to which particular attention are paid are the following:

  1. Programmes promoting healthy eating and physical activity, particularly the use of eHealth and the ICTs to empower people to change habits to prevent and address chronic diseases, especially overweight. In addition, to provide tools to health professionals for incorporating nutrition and eHealth applications, and to study nutrition applied to sport for both performance and health.
  2. Analysis of dietary transformations from a sociocultural perspective and application of qualitative methodologies.
  3. Scientific communication on diet-nutrition, health and society.

Furthermore, particular attention is paid to the Mediterranean diet: biodiversity, sustainability, food culture and healthy food supply.

Analysis of the evolution of eating patterns and behaviours

2 - End hunger 3 - Health and well-being 12 - Responsible production and consumption

Nutrition, diet, physical activity and sport

Promotion of physical activity and healthy eating. Nutrition, sport performance and health.

3 - Health and well-being

Nutrition and public health by promoting a healthy diet and physical activity

2 - End hunger 3 - Health and well-being

Diet, culture and social transformations

2 - End hunger 3 - Health and well-being 11 - Sustainable cities and communities 12 - Responsible production and consumption

Nutrition to prevent and cope with chronic diseases, particularly with overweight

3 - Health and well-being

Diet, culture and social transformations


3 - Health and well-being

2 - End hunger 3 - Health and well-being 11 - Sustainable cities and communities 12 - Responsible production and consumption

Gastronomy, health and society. Healthy food

2 - End hunger 3 - Health and well-being 11 - Sustainable cities and communities 12 - Responsible production and consumption

Artificial intelligence (AI) applied to nutrition, metabolism and cardiometabolic, endocrine and women pathologies.

3 - Health and well-being