Research group in Education and ICT

Main investigator:
Guitert Catasús, Montse
Social sciences
Area of specialization:
Education and ICT
Affiliation center:
Collaborates with:
e-Learn Center
4 - Quality education
5 - Gender equality
8 - Decent work and economic growth
9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10 - Reduced inequalities
  • ELearning
  • Continuous Professional Development
  • Quality in education
  • ICT-driven educational change
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Emerging learning scenarios
  • Collaborative methodologies
  • E-assessment
  • Competency assessment
  • Competences
  • Technopedagogical design

The goal of the Edul@b Education and ICT research group is to investigate emergent scenarios in education and open, flexible online teaching and learning strategies, with the purpose of transforming and improving educational practice.

We study how institutions and organizations, teachers and administrators address new or emergent scenarios, particularly those that use the new technologies as a way of anticipating changes and improving teaching and learning processes. We consider both traditional and lifelong students (from school to retirement) and ordinary citizens and professionals.

Open education and emergent learning scenarios

Our work consists of analysing, categorizing and explaining emergent learning scenarios (formal, non-formal and informal) in an open, lifelong learning context, considering flexibility, collaboration and interaction as fundamental elements, and the development of digital skills as a basic need for the 21st century citizen (student-citizen focus).

Teacher professional development in the digital era

Through the development of competence-based, strategic and formative frameworks for hybrid and online teaching, we propose strategies and actions that facilitate the teacher's professional development in the use and application of digital technologies in a lifelong learning context (teacher-based focus).

Transforming educational institutions through ICT and online education: leadership, management and quality

This line consists of identifying elements that can influence policies on the use of ICTs in education and, more specifically, establish parameters and instruments that facilitate the integration of e-learning in higher education institutions, with quality criteria and application of an open education policy when appropriate (policy and institution-based focus).